Space Station Shuffle is a card-based strategy game where you need to carefully plan out which cards to play. Playing cards will expand your space station and allow you to potentially reach the escape shuttle! Some cards will allow you to draw more cards, others will force you to discard a random card.

This game was built over one weekend for the GTMK 2024 game jam with the theme of "Make it Scale". All art, music, and coding was done by our team!


Pan Camera - Middle mouse button + Drag or WASD

Zoom In/Out - Scroll wheel or QE

Interact with cards and board - Mouse


Failure is all we leave behind. We tried to prevent The Great Shuffle and protect our loved ones. We thought it would be easy, how naive we were.

Like a wave washing clean a beach, The Great Shuffle bathed the galaxy in a crimson dye. We couldn’t stop it, we were helpless.

When I awoke from the wash of scarlet all I could hear was my daughters voice saying, “Help me”.

Hope can drown, fear can claim, But I will not let her succumb.

Published 23 days ago
AuthorAidan MacMillan
GenreCard Game, Strategy

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